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   London Egg Bank putting eggs in more baskets

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“We are delighted to mark ten years of continuous success at LEB with a ground-breaking new initiative. Beginning this summer, LEB will kick start an exciting engagement process with licensed clinics across the UK to procure donor eggs, enabling their patients access to treatments closer to home.

Dr. Hemlata Thackare and Annabel Yazdi lead this initiative to respond to the persistent demand for UK-sourced donor eggs, enhancing accessibility and convenience for many.


Announced at a packed meeting on June 17th, Marta Wolska and Pascale de l'Eprevier detailed the logistical plans. Marta expressed pride in reaching this milestone after years of dedication to develop a best-of-class service, while Pascale de l'Eprevier highlighted that achieving self-sufficiency in UK donor egg availability has been a key goal for LEB.


This initiative will leverage LEB's extensive experience and will ensure the highest standards of safety and transparency.


Congratulations to Dr. Nair, Marta, and the entire LEB team on this significant achievement!”

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